

Monday, November 17, 2014

Pregnancy confirmed!

Time flew as we quickly approach half way of the pregnancy. So far it has been an incredible journey and adventure. Here is another surprise from "S"!

After we transferred our embryos on July 31, our clinic had scheduled a blood test on August 11 to confirm pregnancy. Counting down the days to the moment of truth was tough, especially after we knew we had no frozen embryo to try again. Even though we tried to stay optimistic, there were many moments of "what if transfer has failed." We discussed this and decided it was best not to even think about it. If transfer failed, we would then think about it and go from there.

August 8 at 11:54 am - our phone rang. Caller ID showed it was from our clinic. Immediately we were concerned if something went wrong because the last few phone calls had not been good news and we weren't expecting any news until August 11. Upon answering, it was the nurse. She congratulated us right away on our pregnancy. It took us a moment to realize what had just happened. We were ecstatic with tears and relieved. A heavy weight on our shoulders had been lifted and our dream could possibly come true. The reality hadn't set in and "S" called us a few minutes later. We really wish that it was her who broke the news to us because none of these could be possible without her. Not only did she do everything she could to help but also spare us an agonizing weekend. 

It turns out that she started home pregnancy test three days after transfer. It was negative. Day 4 came positive so did day 5. It must have been very hard for her to contain all the excitement because we had told her our preference to wait for the blood test. Because the home pregnancy test seemed to be conclusive, she contacted the clinic to do the blood test earlier and we got an early positive pregnancy result. A second blood test a few days later showed her hcg level went up nicely. 

Thinking back, there were signs telling us that she was pregnant. We would text her and check how she was feeling. She mentioned twinges she had experienced - one of the early pregnancy signs which we had learned. 

With pregnancy confirmed, we had to wait two weeks later at the first ultrasound and find out if both embryos stuck. 

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