

Monday, April 6, 2015

We are daddy and papa

A quick between feedings around the clock.

We finally welcomed our baby girls to this world on March 25, 2015. They are home for a week now and are as healthy as full term babies. The past two weeks are nothing like what we have experienced. Every time we watch them, we can't stop thinking all the moments during this journey that led to two most precious we could ever wish for. Since coming home, not a day goes by that we don't think of S and her family. We are forever grateful for their help to complete our family.  

Our emotions are still high and raw. Although we are exhausted, our hearts are fuller than ever. We are immensely enjoying our newly granted fatherhood. We will write up our birth story soon after our honeymoon with our baby girls is over....(well, we don't want it to be over EVER. We are still trying to find words to share their birth and our life afterwards). 

For now, we thank you for following our journey. We are truly blessed! 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

It is happening....

Our baby girls are ready to meet their daddy and papa.......
It is today!!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

36 weeks

It is 36 weeks. Babies weigh almost 6 pounds and are gaining an ounce a day. S is feeling quite large and her feet have been swelling. We can't imagine what she is going through right now. It just sounds miserable. She mentioned having more contractions and they start to feel different. It really can be any day now. She keeps saying that her goal is to carry the twins to at least 37 weeks so they won't need to spend any time in the hospital after they are born. She has been doing an amazing job and we are only one week away from full term.  

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Are you ready?

When we started the blog, the baby ticker said 229 days. It now says 30 days. As we get close to the delivery, many have asked us this question. Are you ready? The more we got asked and thought about it each time, the more we have become unsure what "ready" really means.

If it means baby stuff that we need to have, then yes. We have been busy getting them that almost every website, video, class and everyone says we need - two cribs, two car seats, a double stroller, two swings, two bouncer seats, bottles, bibs, books, a musical mobile, toys, towels and blankets, lots of colorful clothes spread over 12 months, and the list goes on. In fact, our babies have gotten so many clothes. We probably will need to change their clothes fast in the first few weeks so they get some time in all of them. Also, boxes of baby wipes and diapers are starting piling up. Not only do we have the stuff but also a pediatrician eager to see them and four classes - 2 twins preps, infant care and CPR under our belt. Finally, the house is tidy for them to grow. Our bags are packed. As soon as we get the call that S is in labor, we are ready to be on our way in no time.

Are we ready? I guess we are.

We are only days away from the end of this surrogacy journey which we started a few years back. We are also days away from two of us to a family of four after more than 20 years of being childless. It makes me teary just to think about it. This is it,  the moment that we have been longing and waiting for which seems like a lifetime. So are we ready? Hmm..maybe not.

In a split second, I thought we are so not ready to march toward the finish line. Although the journey involves constant worries, it has been mesmerizing and unforgettable. We cheer each milestone and continue to be amazed by S and her growing belly. We have truly enjoyed the experiences and all of these are soon to become lifelong memories. It is scary to think that our life is going to change forever in the second babies are born and turn into feeding, diaper change, and all the routines that come with parenthood.

So what was I thinking? We have been waiting to meet our girls and hold them in our arms for a long time. Then I could we really prepare and be ready for the moment like these?

The moment when our girls make their grand entry into this world?
...when we hold them in our arms?
...when our eyes meet for the first time?
and when they are home and eventually one day calling us "daddy" and "papa"?

As we are only days from becoming daddy and papa, our emotions are all over the place and anticipation is too high to bear. For weeks, I have avoided watching any birth video because I cry for each one of them. There is no way we could be ready and prepare ourselves for all these moments to come. Perhaps being unprepared is the most thrilling part as this journey culminates to its finale. Although it has been overwhelming to go through surrogacy and to get things in order, we are now looking forward to being unprepared for the day our girls are born. In fact, it is going to be the proudest underprepared moment of our life.

Are we ready? I think we are. When our babies are ready, they will let us know.

Now get your tissues ready for this video.

10 things all dads-to-be must know

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Appointment update

We had an appointment yesterday for biophysical and non-stress test. We couldn't attend but were able to see the ultrasound via Skype. Both babies were not very active so S had to change her position a few times to wake them up. They did move a little and we could see them breathing. Their heartbeats are 146 and 143. It is always amazing to see them on the screen. S is doing great as well.

Both babies are still breech. We keep hoping that they will turn. Next appointment will be March 26 which will mark 36 weeks and 5 days. We will see what happens.

It is so close yet so far away. 

We went to a CPR class last night. We hope we will never have to apply what we've learned. It has been interesting to see how others react when they see two dads-to-be. Our experiences have been very positive. There is no shortage of support and excitement from others.