

Saturday, March 7, 2015

We made it to 34 weeks!

34-week has always been stuck in our mind since early pregnancy. The hospital where we plan to deliver and where the midwives from the birthing center for prenatal care have privileges to attend birth doesn't have NICU and won't take birth under 34 weeks. If it happened, we had to go to another hospital which we all wanted to avoid. We are so glad to make the 34-week mark. It is a significant milestone and we can breath a little bit easier during the final count down. Each baby measures about 17.7 inches and weighs almost 5 pounds. I have a handwritten note from 6 weeks. They only weighed 7.3 and 7.4 ounces. It is amazing to see how much they have grown. So is S belly. It is really big.

Having babies via gestational surrogacy doesn't give us the chance to see the day-to-day changes in a growing belly and to truly experience the pregnancy. It is probably our greatest regret but is a compromise we have to make. Fortunately, we have been able to attend doctor's appointments almost monthly to witness the changes and growth. Plus, our close contact with S and the weekly YouTube pregnancy videos have helped us a lot. We are leaving for the doctor's appointment scheduled this coming Monday in a few hours. It could actually be the last appointment that we could attend before birth.

Interestingly, one way we are experiencing the changes and growth in the third trimester of this pregnancy is the number of baby items that have arrived for our twins in the past few weeks. It started with little - a few shopping bags, then a few boxes here and there, and gradually culminated in a flood of adorable, colorful, and thoughtful baby stuff from family and friends. Also, our nesting instinct started kicking in the past few weeks. Hubby and I have spent significant amount of time thoroughly cleaning and organizing the house. It wasn't even this clean and organized when we moved in a few years ago. Seeing their stuff in places around the house is incredible.

p.s. I absolutely adore the baby swings. They make me sleepy just by looking at them swinging. I wish there was an adult size for me so I could be in the swing with our babies.

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