

Saturday, January 3, 2015

25 weeks

We are home safe from our trip and here comes 25 weeks. 24-week is the magical point of pregnancy because the babies will enter the stage of viability. If born now, there is a 90% chance of survival with medical intervention. Babies are growing rapidly, reaching nine inches in length and passing a pound and a half mark — taller than two juice boxes stacked one on top of the other and almost as heavy as four of them. Their skin is turning pinker because small blood vessels, called capillaries, are forming under the skin and filling with blood. Later this week, blood vessels will also develop in their lungs, bringing them one step closer to full maturity — and one step closer to taking that first breath of fresh air. But at 25 weeks pregnant, those lungs are still very much works in progress. Though they are already beginning to develop surfactant, a substance that will help them expand with oxygen after the babies are born, the lungs are still too undeveloped to sufficiently send oxygen to the bloodstream and release carbon dioxide when baby exhales. Their nostrils, which have been plugged up until now, are starting to open this week. This actually allows them to begin taking practice breaths.

S keeps telling us that she is feeling fat. Other than that, she is feeling fine for the most parts. We are relieved and confident that she is taking a great care of herself and the twins. She also mentions about her craving for shrimps lately and she is never big on shrimp. Neither one of us is big on shrimp so it must be from the egg donor.

Time really goes by fast. We are in the home stretch now with 105 days to go. We are excited and getting more anxious with babies' arrival.     

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