

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Embryo Transfer!

On July 31, we were scheduled for embryo transfer. We were very excited to finally reach this milestone and to see "S" and her family again after 5 months of getting everything ready. They drove to our home a few days before transfer so we could spend some time together which is always awesome.

On day 5, the embryo would develop into blastocyst. Transfer usually takes place on day 5 because this is when the embryo travels from fallopian tubes to the uterus. With adequate uterus lining, the embryo is likely to be implanted. We had planned to transfer two embryos, one from each of us but we wouldn't know if it was going to happen until the day of transfer.

Early in the morning on transfer day, our RE called and told us that we each had a good quality embryo to be transferred, one was already a blastocyst and the other could catch up in a few hours. It was great news to start the day. We had a relaxing morning at home before heading to the clinic around noon. As usual, "S" got her protocol for transfer and she was required to have a full bladder!!

Nothing felt like getting ready for transfer. We were excited and anxious at the same time. All the hard works eventually came down to this moment. "S" got her lucky charms and socks. We learned that actually there are rituals for transfer day - lucky socks being one of them and we got her lucky charms. We needed every piece of luck we could get.

After checking in at the clinic, "S" went in first to get herself ready. A few moments later, DH and I were called to go in. We put on surgical gown, hair net and shoe covers, then entered the transfer room that was dimmed with calming music in the background. "S" was all ready and laying on the transfer table. The embryologist first verified our identify to make sure the embryos transferred were ours. Then the doctor came in to perform the procedure and explained it to us along the way. Upon the order of the doctor, the embryos were loaded to the transfer catheter and started their incredible journey. The catheter containing the embryos and a small amount of fluid was passed through cervix into uterus, where the embryos were placed. Through the use of ultrasound, we were actually able to see the two embryos leave the tube as they were transferred. They looked like little orbs of light; like shooting stars as they were deposited into "S" uterus. The clinic had everything blown up on the TV screen as the embryos were being loaded. It was pretty amazing to witness the procedure. Considering all the months of preps leading to the moment, the entire procedure took only about 10 minutes!! It was quick and painless without sedation. 

We were excited to see the embryos for the first time, so small like the tip of a pen even on the big monitor. 

After transfer was complete, we gave each other a hug and took some "family" portraits. "S" was then moved to a recovery area and her husband came to join her. We were given photos of the embryos and ultrasound. One embryo was a decent blastocyst already hatching and the other one was a little behind assisted with hatching. We were joking how each fit our personality. One is always in a hurry and the other just takes his time.   

On day 5, both embryos were already loved by many and had their photos taken as cells. It was a surreal feeling that we just made babies and part of our being was created. It is truly a miracle to see both of them develop over time - hundred of thousand times bigger.

After transfer, "S" was required to rest. We headed back home and celebrated this special moment with BBQ in our patio, with two additional little ones in "S" belly.

Next day the clinic informed us that none of our remaining embryos was viable to be frozen. It was hard to believe that they were growing for a few days and suddenly just stopped. There was no explanation and we didn't know why we lost them. Was it the quality of egg or sperm or combination of both? Was it the lab condition? It was a huge blow and hard to swallow. It made us worried even more if the two transferred would stick. We were extremely sad, disappointed, and confused, knowing we only got one shot.

"S" told us to stay positive and said "we are pregnant until we are proven otherwise." In fact, all we needed was two if we were lucky. The two best ones were now in "S". It was out of our control and we could only cross everything and hope the two embryos stuck (or even just one!). With the embryos being transfer, the waiting game begun. We had to wait until pregnancy blood test scheduled on August 11. As much as we were really anxious to know the outcome, we told "S" that we didn't want to know if she did the pregnancy test at home and preferred to wait for the blood test to confirm. Peeing on a stick test usually would show pregnancy on day 5 after transfer. Given there might be a possibility of false positive, we wanted to wait for a confirmatory blood test. The waiting period was tough. It is funny how time seems to slow down when you are eagerly waiting for something.

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