

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

30 weeks ultrasound & baby shower

We are back home from another memorable weekend with S and her family. Not only did we get to see our girls for the first time since the new year but also S and her friends threw a surprising baby shower for us. Twins are growing and measured on track. Each weighs a little more than 3 pounds. Their heads were right next to each other but in a breech position. Everyone is really hoping for a vaginal delivery. Since they have been very active, there is still time for them to turn. Do some acrobats and make your turn, girls!! That is the least you can do for S. 

Another highlight of this past weekend was the baby shower. Once again S surprised us. We were scheduled to have maternity photo session on Sunday at one of her friend's gorgeous house in a beautiful country setting. Little did we know that she and her friends had planned a baby shower for us. We were showered with food, gifts and lots of love. It was a pleasant surprise and heartwarming. 

S and her husband made these delicious cake and cupcakes. They were so adorable and just melted our hearts. 

Two awesome and funny onesies from S. They had everyone laughed. We really hope that we have given our girls the best parts! 

Thank you, Pam, Lori, Kate, Wanda, Kimmy and everyone else. It was a very special day for us! We were overwhelmed by your thoughtfulness, generosity and hospitality. Our girls are so lucky and we hope they will get to meet you guys too. 

Two twins prep classes are done. Newborn care class tonight at a hospital, two infant car seats and stroller ordered. We still got to order a few more things, attend infant CPR class and interview pediatricians!! It is getting really serious now. 

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